2020-10-12 10:00:00

Trump Must Turn Over Tax Returns

A new investigation into Donald Trump’s business practices has led to a court ruling ordering the President to turn over his tax returns. The case goes back to a decision by a grand jury in New York moving to subpoena eight years of Trump’s taxes. The President’s attorneys challenged the decision in the US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and lost three votes to zero. Trump still has a decent chance at avoiding the release of his taxes, as he was given twelve days to appeal the court’s decision, which he is of course doing. Jay Sekulow, the President’s attorney, says they will now appeal to the Supreme Court where they expect to get a ruling in their favor.

The underlying story here is that Donald Trump is becoming unglued and is absolutely losing his mind. The polls have him down by an average of ten percentage points to Joe Biden, he is personally battling the coronavirus, and the remaining debates now might not happen because of his own doing. Having to live in fear of his tax returns getting out is just one more agitator. The New York Times has already released plenty of data from Trump’s recent tax filings but seeing the actual documents would be definitive proof and reveal a whole lot more about Trump’s failings.


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David Pakman Donald Trump Joe Biden Subpoena Tax Returns Taxes The David Pakman Show The New York Times US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals


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