2020-11-30 12:51:37

Firing Squads, Poison Gas, Electric Chair: Trump Moves to Expand Ways to Kill Prisoners

Sister Helen Prejean, one of the world’s best known anti-death-penalty activists, says the spate of federal executions carried out by the Trump administration reflect a “fundamental flaw” in the law, which does not set limits on use of the death penalty.

“When you give absolute power over life and death to government officials, they can really do what they want,” she says.

Democracy Now! also speaks with Sandra Babcock, faculty director of the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide, who says there is “a paroxysm of violence” coming from the Trump administration.

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Amy Goodman Cornell Center Death Penalty Worldwide Democracy Now! Donald Trump Free Speech TV Helen Prejean Prisoners Sandra Babcock United States


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