2020-08-05 10:20:25

Trump Humiliated In Axios Interview

Donald Trump was interviewed by Jonathan Swan of Axios and it was one of Trump’s wackiest exchanges yet. At nearly every turn, Trump was fact-checked by Swan and he could not back up his arguments under scrutiny. When Trump would say “they said,” Swan would retort, “who said?” When Trump would reference “manuals and books,” Swan would ask, “what manuals? What books?” In a way, this is just simple journalism and fact-checking by Jonathan Swan, but it seems notable because Trump rarely gets pressed like this.

Donald Trump spewed his typical lies about vote-by-mail and Swan debunked them at every turn. On coronavirus, Trump could not argue the facts so instead he handed pieces of paper with bogus graphs and figures to Swan as a way to demonstrate the US is doing well. Trump was later asked about John Lewis’s recent passing, and Trump made it about himself, saying “he didn’t come to my inauguration, he didn’t come to my State of the Union speeches.” Trump also defended his comments about wishing alleged child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell “well.” If you thought the Chris Wallace interview was rock bottom, this one is worse.


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Axios Coronavirus David Pakman Donald Trump Ghislaine Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein John Lewis Jonathan Swan The David Pakman Show


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