2020-12-24 09:55:37

Trump Gives Lie-Riddled Speech, Vetoes COVID Cash

Donald Trump surfaced from the hole in which he's been hiding for weeks yesterday to deliver a four-minute speech about the COVID relief package approved by Congress this week. Although most of the speech was Trump speaking in his typical deranged way, he did make a few good points. Trump argued that $600 for adults making under $75,000 per year isn’t going to cut it. The outgoing president wants his name on stimulus checks again and expressed that the amount on the checks should be closer to $2,000. Trump was also correct about Congress not having enough time to read the bill — it’s 5,000 pages and they had only two hours to prepare for the vote.

Most of Trump’s speech was nonsense as predicted. He tried to blame Democrats for holding up relief over the summer and fall. It’s House Democrats who passed the Heroes Act back in May and Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell who have been dragging their feet. Trump threatened to veto the legislation, but it probably doesn’t matter. Congress would likely be able to override Trump’s veto and plus he won’t be president in a few weeks anyway.


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Coronavirus COVID-19 David Pakman Donald Trump Heroes Act Mitch McConnell Relief Stimmulus The David Pakman Show


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