2022-03-02 18:05:29

Trump Furious as DeSantis Polls 28% in CPAC 2024 Straw Poll

A straw poll was done at CPAC over the weekend and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is getting more support for a presidential run than ever before. Donald Trump still won the poll, with 59% support from the votes of more than 2,500 conference attendees. However, DeSantis got 28% in the poll which is well above the 21% he got last year. No other hypothetical contenders were able to get more than 2% of the vote.

Trump has been growing increasingly furious with DeSantis for refusing to rule out a 2024 presidential run. The former president wants a clear path to the Republican nomination, and it doesn’t seem as though the Florida governor is interested in giving him that. Both possible 2024 contenders have been taking jabs at each other over the last few months, with Trump criticizing DeSantis for not admitting to getting the COVID booster shot and DeSantis expressing regret over participating in Trump’s “15 days to slow the spread.” This back and forth can only be good for whoever the Democratic nominee is in 2024.


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#davidpakmanshow 2024 2024 presidential run COVID booster CPAC Democratic nominee DeSantis Donald Trump Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Republican nomination Ron DeSantis The David Pakman Show


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