2022-02-10 18:52:40

Trump Destroys Sensitive Documents in the White House

According to reporting by Maggie Haberman, Donald Trump used to flush sensitive documents down a White House toilet to the point where it would clog up. We’ve recently learned about Trump destroying documents in any way that he could, including by ripping them up and sending them to the Pentagon to be incinerated. The National Archives has asked the Biden Justice Department to investigate the handling of White House records by the previous administration.

Perhaps this practice explains Trump’s obsession with toilets throughout his tenure. He famously said, “we’re looking very strongly into sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms...They take a shower and water comes dripping out, it’s dripping out, very quietly dripping out. People are flushing toilets ten times, fifteen times as opposed to once.” Whether Trump will ever face consequences for his destruction of records remains to be seen, but at least this news about flushing documents makes for an amusing sidebar.


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#davidpakmanshow Donald Trump Joe Biden Maggie Haberman Pentagon sensitive documents The David Pakman Show The National Archives White House


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