2020-08-20 09:13:27

Trump Demands 8 More Years at Rally

Donald Trump held another mini-rally horror show yesterday in Yuma, Arizona. Trump started off by insisting that he should be elected for a third term in 2024, because he was treated so unfairly in his first term. Trump said that Joe Biden supporters are cult-like, which is absolute and complete projection — much of the Democratic electorate is inspired this cycle not to vote for Joe Biden, but rather to vote against Donald Trump. Trump’s followers are so cult-like that even though he broke all his promises, crashed the economy, and recommended people drink bleach, they still like him.

Donald Trump went on to say in the speech that he defended the Second Amendment from Democrats who want to repeal it. This is a typical Trump exaggeration. He has also said in the past that Biden will get rid of the police, religion, and “the whole question of life.” Trump wrapped up with a xenophobic rant about undocumented immigrants that his fans seemed to love. The appearance was in stark contrast to night two of the Democratic National Convention, where the speakers sounded like sane, reasonable, and functional people.


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Arizona Authoritarian Cult David Pakman Democracy Donald Trump Joe Biden The David Pakman Show Yuma


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