2020-10-07 12:35:18

Trump Delivers Maskless Speech After Leaving Hospital

Donald Trump left Walter Reed Medical Center after spending three nights there to battle COVID-19. In addition to staging a photo-op saluting Marine One as it flew away while he struggled to breathe, Trump also recorded a short video which was later posted to his Twitter page. Trump said he “learned so much about coronavirus,” which fits right into the narrative of right-wingers lacking empathy and only truly understanding an issue when it affects them personally.

Trump also urged people not to let coronavirus “dominate” them and to not be afraid of the disease because the United States supposedly has the best medical equipment and treatments for COVID-19. A few days ago Trump said that he felt better than he did twenty years ago, which could have easily just been from the drugs he was on. Trump wrapped up by urging people to “get out there” and “be careful” and that vaccines are on the way. Even after all the White House has been through this week, they are still doing a tremendously poor job at handling their communications strategy.


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Coronavirus COVID-19 David Pakman Donald Trump Marine One Mask The David Pakman Show Walter Reed


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