2022-06-16 18:50:47

Trump Claims He "Wrote" Outrageous 12-Page Statement on Riot Hearings

This week, a twelve-page letter supposedly written by Donald Trump was released to the media in response to the January 6th hearings. It’s not even for a second believable that Trump wrote the letter himself, since the former president doesn’t read or write. However, it’s possible he sat down with someone and told them what to write. One of the criticisms Trump levied is that if the committee really wanted to get to the truth, it would be bipartisan with equal representation. This was actually the initial intention, but then Republicans fearing it would look bad for them, decided to opt out from the idea. Furthermore, a bunch of the Republicans who were subpoenaed by the committee didn’t cooperate including Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. In the letter, Trump rehashed debunked theories about how he actually won, including by mentioning how his lead grew on election night only to dwindle in the following days. The “red mirage” was anticipated before Election Day, as Trump told his supporters not to vote by mail and the in-person votes were counted earlier than the mail-in votes. The ex-POTUS is desperate to take back the narrative about the 2020 election and the January 6th Capitol riots, and we can’t allow him to do it.


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“red mirage” #davidpakmanshow Capitol riots Donald Trump Election Day January 6th hearings Peter Navarro Republicans Steve Bannon


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