2020-12-10 11:05:02

Trump Blurts Out "I Won" In Response to Question About Working with Next Administration

Donald Trump held an event for Operation Warp Speed which they called a “vaccine summit.” Trump celebrated companies like Pfizer and Moderna coming up with coronavirus vaccines in record time. Interestingly, both pharmaceutical companies refused to attend the propaganda event. Trump seemed to panic over the fact that his successor, Joe Biden, will be the one overseeing most of the vaccine distribution in the United States. This is a fact that he had a really hard time contending with during the press event. Trump falsely claimed that under other administrations the vaccine would take five or six years to develop, which is a totally laughable claim.

Trump chose to take questions from the press, which he has seldom done since losing reelection last month. He was criticized for holding holiday parties at the White House with little social distancing and few masks. Trump retorted that they are Christmas parties and that some in attendance wear masks so he sees nothing wrong with it. The rest of the questions were about the election results and whether Trump would work with the “next administration” on the vaccine distribution. Trump once again insisted that the election is in dispute and that he was the victim of widescale voter fraud. He said the “next administration” will be a second Trump administration.


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Administration Coronavirus COVID-19 David Pakman Democracy On The Brink Donald Trump FSTV Election Coverage Joe Biden The David Pakman Show Vaccine


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