2020-01-27 11:31:20

Trump Backs Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists At March for Life

Imani Gandy, senior legal analyst for Rewire.News, where she covers law and courts and co-hosts Rewire.News’ podcast Boom! Lawyered.

Donald Trump on Friday became the first sitting President to attend the annual March for Life in Washington DC. The march is a massive gathering of anti-abortion activists and with Trump actively courting evangelicals in exchange for political support he addressed rally-goers saying,

“Together, we must protect, cherish and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.” Marchers carried signs praising Trump, calling him the most “pro-life” president ever.

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Donald Trump Free Speech TV Imani Gandy March for Life Pro Life Rewire News Rising Up with Sonali Sonali Kolhatkar United States Washington D.C.


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