2022-02-15 18:05:32

Trump Adviser Confronted: Could VP Kamala Harris Decide 2024 Election?

MSNBC’s Ari Melber had former Trump adviser Peter Navarro on his show last week and turned the tables on him over the election fraud narrative. Navarro has been one of the key figures arguing the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump and that Mike Pence had the right to reject electors on January 6, 2021, from swing states they lost. Melber asked Navarro if Vice President Kamala Harris will have this very same right in January 2025 if Democrats lose the next presidential election.

Navarro stumbled around and argued the vice president has the right to send electors they deem to be fraudulent back to the states. However, he failed to explain what would qualify as legitimate grounds to send back the votes and was uncomfortable with the thought experiment of replacing Mike Pence’s name with Kamala Harris’s. The goal for overturning the 2020 election was obviously shortsighted and only meant to benefit Trump in that one election. People like Peter Navarro clearly didn’t have any concern for the precedent such a move would make and how it could be used against Republicans in future elections.


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#davidpakmanshow 2020 Election Ari Melber Democrats Donald Trump future elections January 2025 January 6 2021 Kamala Harris Mike Pence MSNBC Peter Navarro Presidential Election Republican The David Pakman Show Vice President


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