2021-12-08 14:36:03
Donald Trump appeared Sunday night on Mark Levin’s Fox News program and managed to implicate himself in a crime. Trump told Levin that he fired FBI Director James Comey back in 2017 because if he didn’t, he believed he would have been removed early from the presidency.
The purpose for the interview ostensibly was so that Trump could promote his new picture book, Our Journey Together. Trump told Levin that he wouldn’t have been able to ”write” the book if not for that fateful decision he made early on in his presidency: “Don’t forget, I fired Comey. Had I not fired Comey, you might not be talking to me right now about a beautiful book about four years in the White House and we’ll see about the future.” This is obstruction of justice, a charge the Mueller report said that Congress should pursue against the former president because there was a great deal of evidence for it.
Now, Trump has admitted to it and is no longer hiding behind bogus excuses over why he made the decision. There haven’t been any legal or criminal consequences against Trump since he took the political spotlight, despite the fact that he’s been worthy of many. The result is someone who feels invincible and emboldened to the point where he’s straight up willing to admit to committing crimes on national television.
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