2021-08-19 05:21:07

Trump Accuses Biden of Surrendering to COVID

Donald Trump has been releasing many statements over the past few days though his spokesperson Liz Harrington criticizing Joe Biden and his administration. The criticisms this week have been mostly about Afghanistan, but he also managed to go after Biden on COVID-19. Trump said in a statement, “Joe Biden surrendered to COVID and it has come roaring back.” This is perhaps the dumbest criticism Trump has had of the Biden administration so far. It is Trump who gave up on trying to deal with coronavirus only a month or two into the pandemic. The ex-president pushed reopening too early, held massive events without any social distancing, and tried to encourage unproven cures for the virus like hydroxychloroquine and bleach because he wanted the economy to recover more than he wanted COVID numbers to go down. Biden, on the other hand, ramped up the vaccine distribution process and got the country basically back to normal over the late spring and summer. Only recently has there been a resurgence of the virus and that’s mainly because people in red areas who love Trump won’t bother to get themselves vaccinated. Biden has been working diligently on coming up with new ways to encourage vaccine hesitant people to get their shots so that restrictions don’t have to come back into place. Of all the things for Trump to go after Biden on, his handling of the pandemic makes the least amount of sense.


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Afghanistan Coronavirus Covid COVID-19 David Pakman Donald Trump Joe Biden Liz Harrington The David Pakman Show


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