2023-05-09 17:55:52

Top rated poll says Trump OR DeSantis BOTH crush Biden 2024

According to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis could defeat President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election. Among registered voters, Trump leads Biden by six points, and DeSantis also has a six-point lead over Biden. The poll's ratings are trustworthy, and while the timing of the poll may make all polling less accurate, it is not too early to do general election polling a year and a half before the race. However, there are many undecided voters who did not choose either candidate. In this poll, 18% of people did not choose either DeSantis or Biden, and 16% did not choose Trump or Biden. While the poll may be an outlier compared to others, the message here is that it is not obvious that Joe Biden can defeat DeSantis or Trump in reelection. It is important to note that DeSantis has been crumbling in Republican primary polls and is losing support from donors, so Trump right now appears to be the far more likely contender.


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#davidpakmanshow ABC News/Washington Post DeSantis President Donald Trump Trump or Biden


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