2022-12-09 12:20:02

Tonight on Mobilized: Gustavo Salas, Co-founder of Cecosesola

Gustavo Salas is a leader in Cecosesola, a network of worker cooperatives based in Venezuela. Cecosesola recently won the Right Livelihood Award for its contribution to food security and worker empowerment around the world. On today's show, Gustavo discusses the worker cooperative model as an alternative to the corporate structure that dominates the global economy and how fair treatment of workers and engagement of workers in the decisions of the cooperative can lead to a sustainable means of production.


A weekly series produced by Steven Jay and hosted by Jeff Van Treese, Mobilized takes a deep look at our world, the consequences of human activity on our planet, and how we can reverse and prevent existing and future crises from occurring. Mobilized reveals life on our planet as a system of systems that all work together for the optimal health of the whole. The show delves into deep conversations with change-makers so people can clearly take concerted action.

food security Global Economy livelihood award Venezuela worker empowerment


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Tonight on Mobilized: Gustavo Salas, Co-founder of Cecosesola

Tonight on Mobilized: Gustavo Salas, Co-founder of Cecosesola

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