2022-09-02 13:21:28
This week on Just Solutions we look at social inequalities that are exacerbated by the climate crisis. Ongoing events like extreme heat and floods resulting from climate change are disproportionately impacting poor communities and communities of color. Research shows a direct connection between racist urban housing policies and extreme heat. And with temperatures continuing to rise these disparities will increase. So how can urban planners mitigate for these inequalities and what can be done to help already marginalized communities in the face of the climate crisis?
Our guest today is Vivek Shandas, a professor of urban studies and planning at Portland State University. He co-authored a study that showed how formerly redlined neighborhoods are on average 5 degrees hotter in summer than other areas.
Be sure to tune into #justsolutions on #freespeechtv Fridays at 9pm ET and anytime on demand!!