2022-10-05 14:25:07

"There's Going to Be a Fight": Oath Keepers Trial Reveals Violent Plans to Keep Trump in Office

The Oath Keepers trial, in which senior leaders of the right-wing extremist group are accused of plotting violence at the January 6 insurrection, began Monday in federal court in Washington, D.C. Prosecutors played a secret audio recording Tuesday of a meeting held by the Oath Keepers after the 2020 election in which founder Stewart Rhodes discussed plans to bring weapons to the capital to help then-President Trump stay in office. We speak to Arie Perliger, author of "American Zealots," who says the Trump administration lended extremist groups legitimacy and access to a more mainstream audience. "For them, that was a disastrous situation, losing this kind of access," says Perliger.

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American Zealots Arie Perliger January 6 hearing January 6 insurrection Oath Keepers Oath Keepers trial


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