2021-06-22 15:25:44

Supporting LGBTQ+ Americans

President Biden recently said he will not rest until full equality for LGBTQ Americans is finally achieved and codified into law. 


This is a welcome relief after the previous administration rolled back nondiscrimination protections and even prohibited US embassies overseas from flying the Pride flag during the month of June.


Despite Biden’s proclamation, rights for the LGBTQ community are far from certain. A recent Supreme Court decision ruled in favor of a Catholic Social Services agency that refused to certify same-sex couples to be foster parents. Several states have passed laws that target transgender youth.

The Equality Act would extend federal civil rights protections to LGBTQ people. It has passed out of the House but faces opposition in the Senate where it has little Republican support.

You can find out more about the equality act and other ways to support the LGBTQ community at hrc.org because everybody deserves to live their life free from discrimination.

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