2021-12-14 10:08:15

Striking Kellogg’s Workers Vow to Hold Out for Better Contract, Urge Boycott of Company’s Products

Kellogg’s announced it would begin permanently replacing the 1,400 workers who have been on strike for over two months to demand fair wages and better working conditions.

The move comes after an overwhelming majority of Kellogg’s workers rejected a new five-year agreement they say falls short of their demands and sparked widespread public backlash, including from President Biden.

“We are fighting for equal pay and equal benefits regardless of what the company is putting out there, and trying to replace us is something that they’re using as a scare tactic,” says Kevin Bradshaw, a striking Kellogg’s worker and president of Local 252G in Memphis, Tennessee.

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Amy Goodman Democracy Now! Fair Wages Free Speech TV Kellogg Kellogg's strike Kevin Bradshaw President Biden United States Workers' Rights


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