2022-09-09 17:43:51

Steve Bannon Makes a Scene While Surrendering to Police

Steve Bannon turned himself in to police yesterday over a second indictment having to do with his “We Build The Wall” scam. Bannon made quite a scene while he entered the Manhattan District Attorney’s office. Steve said, “This is irony. On the very day the mayor of this city has a delegation down on the border, they are persecuting people here.” Folks in the crowd were yelling back at Bannon with one woman sounding like she had a megaphone and repeating: “stop hurting America you greasy grifter!” Bannon was pardoned by then-President Trump on the federal charges pertaining to this matter but that did not prevent state charges from being filed against him. The accusation is that the group pocketed the money instead of dedicating it to building the wall or ultimately returning it to donors. Bannon has pleaded not guilty to the charges which include money laundering, scheming to defraud, and conspiracy.


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