2022-03-03 12:20:17

Sanders Adviser Matt Duss on Ending Ukraine Crisis & How U.S. Shock Therapy in Russia Enabled Putin

While President Biden has ruled out sending troops into Ukraine, the U.S. is directly aiding Ukraine militarily and has imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia amounting to what some have called “economic warfare.” We look at Biden’s response with Senator Bernie Sanders’s foreign policy adviser Matt Duss, who is also Ukrainian American. He says the U.S. should continue to exhaust all diplomatic avenues in order to stop violence in Ukraine. Duss also details the U.S. role in setting the stage for Putin’s oligarchical government and says the U.S. must not use “Ukrainians as a tool for our foreign policy and our conflict with Russia.”

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“economic warfare” #democracynow foreign policy adviser Matt Duss oligarchical government President Biden Senator Bernie Sanders Ukraine Ukrainian American


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