2022-06-21 18:07:48

Right Wingers Turn on Republicans, Dan Crenshaw Assaulted, Ted Cruz Trolled

The Texas Republican Party had a bonkers convention over the weekend that included them declaring Donald Trump the true winner of the 2020 election and banning a gay Republican group from participating. But the individuals in attendance were just as crazy, attacking everyone from Congressman Dan Crenshaw to Senator Ted Cruz. Attendees jeered at Crenshaw when he arrived, calling him a “globalist” who’s in touch with Charles Schwab. One person called him “Eyepatch McCain” which is a term Tucker Carlson coined on his program a few weeks ago. Another participant went up to Ted Cruz and called him out for sticking by Donald Trump even after the former president attacked his wife. He also criticized Cruz for abandoning Texas during a winter storm to vacation in Cancun, Mexico. The Republican infighting has to be welcomed by the left, as it will likely create opportunities for Democrats to win elections going forward.

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#davidpakmanshow Charles Schwab Congressman Dan Crenshaw Dan Crenshaw Donald Trump Eyepatch McCain Senator Ted Cruz Texas Republican Party The David Pakman Show


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