2022-05-12 17:52:24

Republicans Fired for Voter Fraud Operation

Two Republican staffers were recently fired over a possible ballot harvesting operation in Pennsylvania. GOP officials fired Shamus O’Donnell and C.J. Parker who were affiliated with a political action committee called the Republican Registration Coalition. According to a report from the Philadelphia Inquirer, dozens of mail ballots for the upcoming primary were being diverted to a PO box run by the organization the two men worked for. Billy Lanzilotti, the committee’s chairman, said he was doing this as a “service to the voters” and would deliver the ballots by hand to the voters once they arrived, but it’s unclear why this would even be necessary. O’Donnell and Parker declined to comment about their alleged involvement and their terminations. Republicans for the past two years have been complaining about ballot harvesting and voter fraud supposedly being committed by Democrats, yet this appears to be a clear case of it happening within their own ranks.

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#davidpakmanshow Billy Lanzilotti C.J. Parker Democrats O’Donnell Parker Pennsylvania Shamus O’Donnell The David Pakman Show v Voter Fraud


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