2022-02-25 18:40:44

Republicans Favor Putin More Than They Favor Democrats

According to recent polling, Republicans approve of Russian President Vladimir Putin more than they do leading Democratic politicians. A recent Economist-YouGov poll found that approximately 15% of Republicans have a very or somewhat favorable view of Putin, whereas only around 8% feel the same about Democrats. Approximately 45% of Republicans say they have a “very unfavorable” view of the Russian president, whereas 75% have a “very unfavorable” view of the Democratic Party. This is a result of highly effective propaganda from networks like Fox News and politicians like Donald Trump. Only a few decades ago, right-wingers in the United States viewed Russia (then part of the Soviet Union) as the chief enemy of everything they held dear including democracy and capitalism. Due to years of effective messaging, these folks now view the opposing party in their own country less favorably than they do a dictator like Vladimir Putin.


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#davidpakmanshow Capitalism Democratic politicians Democrats Donald Trump Fox News Right-wingers Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin Soviet Union United States Vladimir Putin


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