2022-06-03 18:29:59

Republicans Caught Planning Massive Voter Fraud

Republican officials have been caught orchestrating a plan to commit widespread voter fraud in the upcoming election. A new Politico report shows via audio recordings and PowerPoints that GOP officials have been openly planning to win elections by strategically contesting ballots and claiming the other side is committing fraud, which is in and of itself a form of election fraud. This comes directly from the playbook that Donald Trump used ahead of the 2016 and 2020 elections, which was to discredit the vote and make it seem like the only way he could lose was if the races were rigged. Per this report, the plan by Republican operatives was to “install trained recruits as as regular poll workers and put them in direct contact with party attorneys.” The GOP poll watchers would be expected to observe the voting not to make sure everything is on the up and up, but to contest legitimate votes being cast in Democratic precincts. If this plan is successful, it’s certainly the thing that could tip the balance of the 2022 midterms and future elections.

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#democracynow 2020 Elections 2022 Midterms Donald Trump PowerPoints Voter Fraud


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