2021-05-13 09:17:59

Republicans Cancel Liz Cheney for Admitting Trump Lost

Republicans have been laser-focused on cancel culture over the past few months, because they’d rather talk about about Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head than work with the Biden administration. But now the Republican Party is moving to cancel one of its own — Congresswoman Liz Cheney. Today, the at-large US representative from Wyoming was booted from her leadership position as Chair of the House Republican Conference. Cheney has been an outspoken critic of Donald Trump’s reaction to his election defeat and the subsequent January 6th Capitol riots. She long ago accepted that Joe Biden won the 2020 election fair and square and even voted for Trump’s impeachment for inciting insurrection. Cheney will likely be replaced by up-and-comer Elise Stefanik, who recently hitched her wagon to Trump. Cheney may also be at risk of losing her congressional seat to a Trumpist challenger in 2022.

Republicans claim they don’t cancel people for dissenting views and that their party is a big tent. Yet, here we have an example of someone simply accepting reality and having the slightest bit of integrity and Republicans rushed to end her career. Cheney said on the House floor yesterday that she stands for conservatives principles and that means adhering to the Constitution and the rule of law. But the Republican Party isn’t about conservative principles and the rule of law anymore — they’re about being subservient to Donald Trump. The question now is whether Republican voters will see Cheney’s ousting as “cancel culture” or if they’ll explain it away as something else. The right is always willing to accept hypocrisy and Trump is often the one forcing them to.


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