2022-10-04 18:03:48

Republican Will Ban Pole Dancing and Porn in Schools

Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for Governor of Pennsylvania, said at an event over the weekend that if he wins his race, he’ll ban pole dancing and pornography in public schools. Mastriano said as an applause line, “on day one, the sexualization of our kids, pole dancing and all this other crap that is going on will be forbidden in our schools.” He followed up, “on day one, all the graphic, pornographic books that are in elementary schools will be pulled out.” Of course, there isn’t any pole dancing and pornography in public schools, but just by asserting that there is, Mastriano will get a sizable chunk of his supporter base to believe kids are being sexualized and that he’s the only one who can stop it. Doug went on to claim that he will eliminate the teaching of critical race theory in public schools, which is yet another one of these buzz terms for folks on the far right.

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buzz terms Doug Mastriano elementary schools Governor of Pennsylvania Graphic Mastriano pornographic books Republican nominee The David Pakman Show


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