2021-06-28 10:07:49

Republican Investigation Finds No Voter Fraud

Republicans around the country are still trying to “audit” the 2020 election, nearly 8 months after it occurred. Every time an investigation of theirs wraps up and allegations of tampering go unproven, they move on to the next state and try to look for evidence there. Now we have learned that Michigan has wrapped up its Republican-led investigation into the November 2020 contest. The inquiry was done by the State Senate’s Oversight Committee and the report concluded “there is no evidence presented at this time to prove whether significant acts of fraud . . . perpetrated in order to subvert the will of Michigan voters.” Topics investigated included the claims that dead people voted, “ballot dumps” took place in Detroit, and that some precincts reported more than 100% voter turnout. Biden won the state by 154,188 votes, receiving all of its 16 electoral votes.

This news is all well and good except for the fact that these “audits” serve a purpose. The Trumpian right benefits off these investigations even happening in the first place. They were able to use the very fact that an investigation was going on to justify passing voter suppression bills in the states they control. Republicans don’t need to prove there was fraud or overturn the results in order to find ways to make it a political win for them. Now that the Michigan inquiry has been completed, they will focus their attention on Arizona, and after Arizona they’ll go back to Georgia or Pennsylvania. This will probably last until the 2022 midterms or in early 2023 when the next presidential election cycle begins and Donald Trump can announce he’s running to make amends for the “fraud” in the previous election. If these voter suppression bills continue getting passed in these red states and swing states, there could be a decent chance of Trump coming back and maybe even winning this time.


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2020 David Pakman Election Michigan Republican The David Pakman Show Voter Fraud


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