2022-07-14 11:52:22

"Reinfection Wave": Ed Yong on BA.5 Omicron Variant Spread Amid Mask Mandate Rollbacks, Funding Cuts

COVID-19 cases are rising as the BA.5 Omicron variant puts more people in the hospital amid high rates of reinfection, which is the focus of a new piece by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ed Yong in The Atlantic that is headlined "Is BA.5 the 'Reinfection Wave'?" Yong warns the premature rollback of protective policies, like mask mandates and public health funding, has left people more vulnerable to reinfection. Meanwhile, a concerning number of Americans continue to distrust the vaccine. Rather than focusing on community-based measures that will protect the most vulnerable first, "the Biden administration's posture has been moving toward an era of individual responsibility," says Yong.

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BA. 5 Omicron COVID-19 Ed Yong The Atlantic


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