2020-11-09 13:44:25

Ro Khanna: Progressives Helped Joe Biden Win. We Can't Stop Push for Green New Deal & Medicare for All

Former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris are set to take power, after a projected more than 150 million ballots were cast in the 2020 election. A debate is growing over the future of the Democratic Party as progressive lawmakers push back on Biden's centrist policy proposals and consideration of Republicans for Cabinet positions.

Congressmember Ro Khanna, Democratic of California, says progressive policies, such as Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, have popular support. "The policies that we are advocating are not just for deeply blue districts," Khanna says. "They are policies that will help people in the Midwest, in the South, across this country."

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2020 Election Amy Goodman Democracy Now! Democratic Party Free Speech TV Green New Deal Joe Biden Kamala Harris Medicare for All Progressives Ro Khanna


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