2022-04-11 13:01:12

Pakistan Chooses New Prime Minister After Ousting Imran Khan, Who Alleges U.S.-Backed Coup

On Monday, Shahbaz Sharif was chosen as Pakistan’s new prime minister after Imran Khan was removed in a no-confidence vote in Parliament on Sunday. Khan’s ouster came after the nation’s Supreme Court ruled that Khan’s attempt to dissolve Parliament was illegal earlier this month. Khan blamed his removal on a “U.S.-backed regime change” plot backed by his opposition, and his party lawmakers have resigned en masse. We go to Islamabad to speak with Tooba Syed, a member of Pakistan’s left-wing Awami Workers Party, who says Khan’s allegations aren’t substantiated by evidence and come amid Khan’s tendency to use anti-American sentiment to strengthen his populist platform while upholding policies that hurt working-class Pakistani people and women. We also speak with historian Tariq Ali, who says the major Pakistani political parties are ravaged by corruption and overinfluenced by the military and financial incentives. Both Ali and Syed agree the election of establishment politician Shahbaz Sharif will not change conditions in Pakistan.

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#democracynow Imran Khan Khan’s allegations Pakistan’s left-wing Awami Workers Party Pakistani people Pakistani political parties' Parliament Shahbaz Sharif Supreme Court Tooba Syed


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