2020-02-06 12:45:14

The National Archives is Destroying Records About Victims of Trump’s ICE Policies

Last month, the National Archives and Records Administration apologized for doctoring a photo of the 2017 Women’s March.

The shocking revelation was first reported in an article in The Washington Post, exposing that the agency had altered the image, removing any mention of Trump.

In an exhibit called “Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote,” the National Archives had displayed a large image of the first Women’s March.

But signs referencing Trump had been blurred to remove his name including a poster reading “God Hates Trump” and another reading “Trump & GOP — Hands Off Women.”

Other signs in the photo referencing female anatomy were also blurred.

The National Archives initially stood by its decision to edit the photo, telling The Washington Post that the changes were made “so as not to engage in current political controversy.”

For more, Democracy Now! turns to a historian who says this was only the latest example of “a great and growing threat to our nation’s capacity to protect and learn from history.”

The National Archives reportedly is allowing millions of documents, including many related to immigrants’ rights, to be expunged.

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Amy Goodman Democracy Now! Donald Trump Free Speech TV ICE Immigration National Archives The Washington Post United States


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