2020-04-07 12:43:06

Mutual Aid Justice: Beyond Survival

Mutual Aid: What does it look like in the Justice sphere? If you don’t want to call the cops, what else can you do? Many people turn to transformative justice for help. In the nation that incarcerates more people than any other on earth, there are many reasons why a person might not want to call 911. Undocumented, sick, over-policed, dependent on or in love with an abuser?

In this episode, Laura talks with the editors of the just-released book, Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement. Transformative justice applies the principles of mutual aid to justice. It seeks to resolve violence for the long term at the peer-to-peer, grassroots level by looking for resolution, not punishment, and relying on the community, not the system.

Recorded on the eve of New York City’s "stay at home" order, this far-ranging conversation with renowned poet Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and anti-violence trainer Ejeris Dixon resonates in the time of COVID-19 as families sheltering at home face a spike in domestic violence.

The Laura Flanders Show leads the field in new economy media, reporting on the social critics, artists, activists, and entrepreneurs who are building tomorrow’s world today. While mainstream media looks for ways the world is falling apart, The LF Show brings us stories that will piece it back together — better.

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Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic Violence Ejeris Dixon Free Speech TV FSTV Laura Flanders Laura Flanders Show Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha Mutual Aid Social Justice Transformative Justice Trauma trauma survivors

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