2021-11-19 11:45:20

“Miseducation”: How Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Push Climate Denialism to Kids in U.S. Schools

We look at how the fossil fuel industry is shaping childrens’ education in the United States. The Texas State Board of Education is set to vote on whether or not new science standards for middle schoolers should include climate change.

The language they choose will ultimately dictate how textbooks nationwide address the issue. The Board already watered down the standards after fierce lobbying by fossil fuel companies, despite urging from climate scientists that school curriculums should reflect how human activity, such as the release of greenhouse gases, has affected the climate.

We speak with investigative reporter Katie Worth, who visited schools across the United States and found corporate and political interests are blocking the truth about the climate crisis from being taught in classrooms. Her new book is “Miseducation: How Climate Change Is Taught in America.”

“There’s a long history of the fossil fuel industry trying to get their messages to children, because that shapes how future generations will think about their industry and how they will regulate their industry,” says Worth.

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Amy Goodman Climate Climate Change Climate Crisis Climate Denialism COP26 Democracy Now! Fossil Fuel Free Speech TV Texas State Board of Education U.S. Schools

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