2021-10-08 12:28:46

Matt Gaetz "More Concerned About Socialism" Than Sex Trafficking Allegations

Matt Gaetz appeared on ABC 3 News in Florida for an interview. When asked if he was worried about potentially being charged over allegations of child sex trafficking, Gaetz responded by saying, “I’m not, I’m way more concerned about the socialism engulfing our nation than the scandal that seems to be engulfing the media.” He added sarcastically, “I’m glad that people are able to view these anonymous, baseless allegations against me through the lens of this extortion effort. . .” When asked about his former wingman, tax collector Joel Greenberg, Gaetz threw him under the bus and said he regrets ever being associated with him. It is suspected that Greenberg had dozens of charges against him dropped in exchange for releasing information tying the probe to Gaetz. The Florida congressman said, “when I became aware of some of Greenberg’s misdeeds, I deeply regretted my friendship with him. . .” Gaetz went on to explain that he doesn’t want his association with Greenberg to overshadow “the good work” he has done for the people of northwest Florida. It remains reasonable to suspect that Gaetz could be charged with some serious crimes, but months into this scandal, that remains to be seen.


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ABC 3 News David Pakman Florida Joel Greenberg Matt Gaetz Sex Trafficking Socialism The David Pakman Show


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