2022-10-03 17:50:44

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Dems Have Started Killings of Republicans

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at Donald Trump’s rally in Warren, Michigan over the weekend and made an incendiary claim about Democrats. Greene said, “we’re all targets now though for daring to push back against the regime and it doesn’t stop at a weaponized legal system. I’m not going to mince words with you all. Democrats want Republicans dead and they’ve already started the killings.” Greene then gave a couple of examples of attacks committed by people supposedly on the left for political reasons against right-wingers. Digging into these examples, they aren’t nearly as clear-cut as MTG would have you believe, but in a country of over 300 million people, they can always be found. There are also plenty of instances of folks on the right attacking left-wingers but it doesn’t mean generally that Republicans want Democrats dead. This is utterly irresponsible language by Marjorie Taylor Greene but rather than taking ownership and apologizing for her statements, Greene will double down and continue making outlandish claims like this one.


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#davidpakmanshow 300 million people Democrats Donald Trump Marjorie Taylor Greene Michigan MTG Republican Congresswoman The David Pakman Show Warren


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