2020-11-19 09:56:06

Lindsey Graham Suggests Biden Votes Be Thrown in Trash

Since winning reelection in the South Carolina Senate race, Lindsey Graham has been sucking up to Donald Trump nonstop. He goes on television to talk about how the election was supposedly rigged and remains one of Trump’s closest allies even though Trump is now a lame duck. It turns out that Graham is willing to do even more than embarrass himself on TV to get Trump a second term. A staffer for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger said that on a phone call with Graham, the Senator asked if certain ballots could just be thrown out in order to help Trump win. The claim has since been corroborated by Raffensberger himself, who is a Republican disturbed by the number of people in his party putting Trump over country.

Graham denied the claim, calling it “ridiculous.” Graham has zero credibility left and it is not outside of his character at all to do something like this. It’s unclear whether members of the Trump campaign or administration urged him to make this call. For all the talk from Republicans about election fraud in the 2020 election, they seem to be the only ones committing it. Donald Trump told his supporters at one point to vote by mail and then go in person to vote a second time. Lindsey Graham now is likely to have asked for perfectly legally-cast ballots to be thrown out. It is typical right-wing projection and it is exposing some of these cronies for who they really are.


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2020 Brad Raffensberger David Pakman Donald Trump Election FSTV Election Coverage Linsdey Graham South Carolina The David Pakman Show


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