2021-12-14 08:11:59

Leaked Trump Powerpoint Plan for Full-Blown Coup

We’re now learning about the existence of a powerpoint presentation that outlined the soft coup attempt in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election. We knew there was a memo from a lawyer outlining mechanisms that could be attempted to try to steal the election from Joe Biden, but now it’s been revealed that there was a powerpoint with such suggestions as “declare a state of emergency.”

The powerpoint is called “Election fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN” and it was turned over by Trump’s final Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Some slides mentioned the possibility of having Vice President Mike Pence seat Republican electors over the objections of Democrats in states where the right alleged fraud occurred and coming up with reasons to throw out the ballots of legal electors who were pledged to Biden.

In another slide called “Summary of Domestic Voter Fraud,” they listed all the bogus reasons to contest the electoral votes in certain states like Michigan and Pennsylvania saying things like “double voters, non citizen voters, fake ballots, etc.” There was a game plan for everything we saw play out involving the “big lie,” and if not for Mike Pence refusing to go along with it, there’s a chance it actually could have worked.


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2020 Coup David Pakman Donald Trump Election January 6 Joe Biden Mark Meadows Powerpoint The David Pakman Show


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