2021-08-26 10:06:22

Kayleigh McEnany: "When President Trump Was President, You Didn't See Crisis after Crisis"

Kayleigh McEnany, who served as Donald Trump’s final White House press secretary, has been doing some serious revisionist history ever since taking a job as a Fox News commentator. McEnany appeared on Fox News Primetime yesterday and attempted to rewrite the Trump years while at the same time criticizing the Biden administration. Kayleigh said, “look when President Trump was president, you didn’t have crisis after crisis. You just didn’t see it.” For starters, half a million Americans died from COVID under Trump, a virus which he downplayed, equated to the flu, and pushed quack cures for in an effort to reopen the country early while putting people in danger. On top of that, there was the Ukraine scandal, the disastrous response to the hurricanes in Puerto Rico, the attacking of reporters and a free press, racism against minority members of Congress, and the list goes on and on. President Trump’s term wrapped up with him whining about a “stolen election,” a claim he had no proof of, and an insurrection at the Capitol that led to an unprecedented second impeachment.

McEnany must think the people watching have selective amnesia, or that they slept through the entire Trump presidency. Kayleigh went on to say in the Fox appearance: “I have shuttered to think about what COVID would have been like under Joe Biden.” The idea that anyone could have handled the pandemic worse than Donald Trump is laughable, but also COVID persists into the Biden administration and we know exactly how the current president is fighting it. Biden ramped up the timeline to get vaccines available to the American public, something Trump was not concerned with. Biden has also fought back against attempts by some Republican governors to ban mask mandates at the municipal level and encouraged local officials to use carrots and sticks to get people vaccinated. Though another wave of the virus is upon us now (mainly because of right-wing anti-vaxxers) the country was able to get close to normal for most of the late spring and summer and Biden deserves a great deal of credit for that. McEnany’s claims are ludicrous at every turn, but sadly they’ll sound convincing to the Fox News audience that adores her.


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Afghanistan Coronavirus COVID-19 David Pakman Donald Trump Joe Biden Kayleigh McEnay The David Pakman Show


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