2021-04-29 09:44:06

Joe Rogan's Dangerous Anti-Vaccine Statements

Joe Rogan made some dubious and dangerous claims about coronavirus vaccines on a recent episode of his popular podcast. Rogan has been skeptical all year about the severity of COVID-19 and whether restrictions like shutdowns and mask-wearing make any sense. Now he is bringing that cynical approach to the vaccines. Rogan, during a recent episode with comedian Dave Smith, suggested that elderly people and those in serious health risk categories should get vaccinated. But he followed up by recommending that young and healthy people not get the vaccine because they “don’t need to worry about this [disease].” Rogan mentioned that both of his children got coronavirus and they had mild symptoms but recovered quickly. Although it’s true that very few young people are dying from COVID-19, some get debilitating long-lasting symptoms and the bigger concern is that healthy, young people could pass the virus on to people who are more vulnerable.

Rogan said he found it shocking that some would find it controversial to refuse the vaccine or for people to not want it for their children. It’s unclear weather Joe would take issue with the tetanus, measles, and polio vaccines, or whether those he considers fine while the COVID vaccine is for some reason not. In truth, there are plenty of reasons to get vaccinated now, including for low-risk individuals. It will allow people to go maskless in more situations and return to social gatherings without fear of catching the disease or transmitting it. But the bottom line is that nearly 600,000 people have died from COVID in the US alone and we know that getting a strong majority of people vaccinated is our best chance at developing herd immunity and defeating this virus. Doing so will require the help of young people as well as old.


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Coronavirus COVID-19 David Pakman Joe Rogan The David Pakman Show The Joe Rogan Show Vaccine Vaccines


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