2020-10-23 12:07:03

Joe Biden Admits Past Mistake Supporting Crime Bill as Trump Defends Attacks on Black Lives Matter

President Trump and Joe Biden sparred on their records over race and criminal justice in Thursday's presidential debate. Trump simultaneously promoted his criminal justice reform efforts while continuing to lean on "tough on crime" rhetoric.

Trump also criticized Biden for authoring the 1994 crime bill and supporting other laws that intensified mass incarceration in the U.S., which Biden acknowledged was "a mistake." Rashad Robinson, the spokesperson for Color of Change PAC, says Biden's admission highlights the importance of continued pressure on politicians on racial justice issues.

"The Democrats can't just make this about hating Trump. They also have to continue to fight and build and put out the policies that are going to change lives and remove barriers and systems that have stood in people's way," Robinson says.

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1994 Crime Bill Amy Goodman Color of Change Debate Democracy Now! Donald Trump Free Speech TV Joe Biden Rashad Robinson


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