2021-01-13 09:42:34
Some members of the United States Capitol Police Department are under scrutiny for their role in allegedly aiding in the attack on the Capitol building last week. Officers were caught on video looking the other way while rioters were breaking in. At least one officer took a selfie with an insurrectionist and made no physical attempt to stop the mob. Others seemed to confuse the right to protest with taking over the Capitol during a constitutionally mandated joint session of Congress. These officers need to be held accountable and investigations need to be conducted to ensure a breach like this never happens again.
To be clear, most of the police officers at the Capitol last Wednesday did their jobs to the best of their abilities. Many are being hailed as heroes for bravely standing up to the mob and holding them off long enough for lawmakers to get to safety. Eugene Goodman is one such hero. He made himself a decoy and successfully lured the insurrectionists away from the Senate chamber. Officers like Goodman need to be rewarded for their courage, while the cops who stood by and allowed the coup attempt to happen need to be fired and held accountable.
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