2020-12-23 10:53:26
As the U.S. averages more than 200,000 new COVID-19 cases per day, DN speaks with Dr. Cleavon Gilman, an emergency physician who has been treating patients since the beginning of the U.S. outbreak, first in New York City and now in Yuma, Arizona.
Dr. Gilman is also an Iraq War veteran who served as a Marine combat medic and has kept a public diary of his experiences treating COVID-19 patients.
He was fired after tweeting that Arizona’s ICU beds were full, and then got his job back after public outcry.
“This pandemic is worse than being in Iraq,” says Dr. Gilman.
“This virus is a Trojan horse, and it just hides in people, and you can bring it home to your family and infect every person in your house.”
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