2021-06-04 15:35:21

Hyped Trump Blog Already Shut Down

Donald Trump's much promoted new social media communications platform (really just a blog) has been shut down already after just 29 days of being online. The page “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump” has been scrubbed from the former president’s website and “will not be returning.” If you try to access the page now, you’ll be directed to a page encouraging you to sign up for Trump’s mailing list. The former Nevada GOP chairwoman tweeted about this: “‘The Desk of Donald J. Trump’ section of President Trump’s website has been removed and will not be returning per @JasonMillerinDC. Perhaps this is a precursor to him joining another social media platform?” Jason Miller, Trump’s senior aide, responded to the tweet by saying, “Yes, actually, it is. Stay tuned!” Whether there is actually a plan to sign Trump up for a new social media platform remains unclear. The former president is still banned from posting to Twitter, Facebook, and dozens of other social media platforms.

So what happened here? It actually could be rather simple: the blog failed miserably. Trump’s posts were routinely getting only a couple thousands shares on Facebook. His site was getting less traffic than the pet adoption site “Petfinder” and the recipe page “Delish.” It’s a bad look to keep posting to something that isn’t generating any attention, especially for a prominent figure like a former president. The truth is that not enough of Trump’s supporters cared to visit the blog with any regularity. On Facebook and Twitter, users can see posts from a wide array of accounts and post their own messages as well. On Trump’s blog, it was all about Trump and there was little to no user interaction. This is yet another failure for the ex-president and once again he’ll have to find a new way for people to stay up to date with his unhinged rantings.


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