2020-07-07 11:27:28

How Trump-Linked Lobbyists Scored Big On Covid Funds

Corporations linked to President Donald Trump’s administration have had great success in lobbying his government for coronavirus-related funds. The president who came to power claiming he would “drain the swamp,” now appears to be drowning in the swamp of corporate lobbyists who, according to a new report scored at least $10 billion in taxpayer funding for Covid-19 related government expenditures.

Sonali Kolhatkar speaks with Taylor Lincoln to discuss Trump's "Drain The Swamp" Myth.


Read the report “Covid Lobbying Palooza,” HERE.

Taylor Lincoln, research director of the Congress Watch division of Public Citizen and co-author of the new report, “Covid Lobbying Palooza.”

Rising Up with Sonali is a radio and television show that brings progressive news coverage rooted in gender and racial justice to a wide audience. 

Rising Up With Sonali was built on the foundation of Sonali Kolhatkar's earlier show, Uprising, which became the longest-running drive-time radio show on KPFK in Los Angeles hosted by a woman. 

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Bailout Coronavirus Covid COVID Funds COVID-19 Donald Trump Free Speech TV Rising Up with Sonali Sonali Kolhatkar Taylor Lincoln United States


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