2021-11-10 11:28:46
Sonali Kolhatkar speaks with Jessica J. González, Co-CEO of Free Press and co-founder of “Ya Basta Facebook” and the Change the Terms coalition
Soon after a whistleblower named Frances Haughen revealed disturbing truths about the internal workings of the social media giant Facebook, news emerged that the company would be re-branding. Then, just as the Washington Post published The Facebook Papers, Mark Zuckerberg’s company officially renamed itself Meta.
Mr. Zuckerberg, who is at the center of the accusations that Facebook foments violence, extremism, misinformation, and even mental health problems, points to an ambitious plan to replace the internet as we know it with a virtual reality-based future called the Metaverse.
Rising Up with Sonali is a radio and television show that brings progressive news coverage rooted in gender and racial justice to a wide audience. Rising Up With Sonali was built on the foundation of Sonali Kolhatkar's earlier show, Uprising, which became the longest-running drive-time radio show on KPFK in Los Angeles hosted by a woman. RUS airs on Free Speech TV every weekday.
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