2020-07-07 14:25:57
If a group of international billionaires who don’t like democracy, business regulation, or the idea of a functioning multiracial culture wanted to hire somebody to destroy America, they couldn’t have done better than Donald Trump.
The Trump Depression and over 100,000 unnecessary deaths show us that a president who is not only incompetent but also openly malicious can do even more damage than Herbert Hoover.
And still, Republicans across the country support him., as billionaire-own and -supported media continues to pump out a steady stream of pro-Trump propaganda.
The Supreme Court handed these white, racist billionaires the sword they are using now against Americans with its Citizens United decision and those that preceded it.
If we don’t get money out of politics and vote every Republican out of office at all levels, this effort to tear America apart and kill more low-income and minority Americans will continue.
Anything else is just putting a Band-Aid on a cancer.
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