2021-05-21 11:51:07
In Gaza, thousands of people have taken to the streets to celebrate after Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire, ending Israel’s 11-day bombardment of the territory. At least 243 Palestinians, including 66 children, were killed in the airstrikes and bombings. Rockets fired from Gaza also killed 12 people in Israel.
Raji Sourani, director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza, welcomes the ceasefire but stresses Palestinians demand more than just the end of bombing.
“We need [the] end of occupation, end of the blockade, self-determination, independence, dignity and freedom,” Sourani says.
Democracy Now! also speaks with Israeli political activist and journalist Orly Noy, who says U.S. President Joe Biden is still clinging to false claims about Israel’s self-defense.
“This was not about the protection of the Israeli citizens,” says Noy, editor of the Hebrew-language news site Local Call. “Over 240 casualties in Gaza have nothing to do with the security of Israeli citizens. Over 60 children dead in Gaza had nothing to do with the security of Israel.”
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