2021-04-21 15:08:28

FSTV Speaks: Movements Matter

The American justice system was built to criminalize and brutalize people of color and to protect white, state power.
A year ago, the arrest and a guilty verdict in a murder in a case like Derek Chauvin’s was nearly unthinkable.
But Darnella Frazier, who refused to stop filming George Floyd’s murder, forced America to look harder.
Then a multiracial mass movement of people rose united to cry “Black Lives Matter” all across the country.
They fueled a national racial reckoning, changing the cultural conversation, impacting the judicial process, and finally cracking the blue wall of silence.

We know that movements matter - we just witnessed their impact.

And our movement’s work is far from done. We ask you to stand with Free Speech TV as we say together Black Lives Matter. Stay tuned.

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